Evil Butt has invaded the Porcelain Planet, central TP trading hub for the galaxy. Embark on a perilous journey as Butt Butt in an attempt to free the planet from Evil Butt's control in this fart filled platformer.

  • Run, jump, and fart your way through 27 levels of enemies and obstacles to reach Evil Butt and save the Galaxy and the TP
  • Roll down hills to pick up speed and blast your way through in record time
  • Collect luxurious 10-ply TP

AD - Move Left/Right

S - Roll down a slope

Spacebar - Jump

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Hey cool game, can you check your email

I played a bit of the first level but couldn't finish it here is my feedback.

What can be improved:
- The game feels a bit slow perhaps make the player move a bit faster and it might feel better to play.
- There needs to be more tutorial, you could explain to people with which button they jump for example. While to most people this feels like standard controls it is nice to have the confirmation and for new people this can be very confusing. 
- Rolling down a hill didn't seem to pick up speed at all, or I might just be doing it wrong which would link back to the previous feedback point again.
- It's not really clear that holding jump makes you jump up ever so slightly because it's a small bit. It is a very small increase so it seems like you need to either increase the jump difference or just remove it.
- Double jumping just doesn't seem to work, it is really unclear how to trigger it. (at the end I finally figured out how to do this but I thought you could do it in the air because it would accidentally trigger sometimes)

What did I like:
- It has a nice soundtrack.
- The art is consistent and looks good.
- There is a lot of feedback sounds which gives that extra bit of perfection to the actions. 

I think this game has a lot of potential but the controls and tutorial just make it feel off. I'm hoping you can do something with my feedback and I wasn't too harsh.